Posted on the 13/09/2018 – The second meeting of Levol-App project in Banská Bystrica – Slovakia will happen from 8 to 11th October. The online platform is now starting to be developed after all the partners created the intellectual contents.
The second transnational activity of the project will be a meeting that will join representatives from all the partner organisations from the 8/10/2018 to the 11/10/2018 in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia) to establish the specific details of the online platform since the intellectual contents of the platform are already created. The meeting will be also used to share the translations in five languages of the intellectual contents that partner organisations are currently carrying out and to discuss other possible contents to include in the platform. For more information or taking part on this process, please contact contact details of the partner organisation in your country.
“Levol-app” is a 28-month strategic partnership funded by the Erasmus+ programme under its Key Action 2 for the development of VET that aims to gather organisations from different contexts but working on the development of programmes to train volunteering organisations and managers. Coordinated by Pista Mágica – Associação (Portugal) with the support of Neo Sapiens (Spain), Associazione di Promozione Sociale Futuro Digitale (Italy), Platforma dobrovolnickych centier a organizacii (PDCO) (Slovakia) and the Birmingham voluntary Service Council (BVSC) (United Kingdom), the objective of this initiative is to work together and exchange good practices related to the training of those responsible of the creation and coordination of volunteer management programmes (at local or international level). To achieve this, partner organisations will create an online platform on five languages to support NGOs to improve their volunteer management in order to better engage volunteers as active citizens and improve the competences and professional skills of volunteer managers.
The project will also offer the possibility of following its activities thanks this online site. You can also join its Facebook page in order to be aware about the project development and get to know more about volunteering coordination and management.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.