Posted on the 15/11/2017 – Partner organisations are carrying out a research on each project country in order to know more about the needs and obstacles that non-profit organisations face when implementing or creating their volunteer management programmes. During the first stage of Levol-app its partners are running individual meetings and focus groups in order to discover more about the difficulties that volunteer entities face on the design and implementation of volunteer management programmes, find out which concrete obstacles have these organisations on the management of volunteers and establish the figures or indicators that will be taken into account to run the final research of impact of Levol-app. This initial activity will also allow partners to have a first contact with the project target group and introduce them “Levol-app” in a direct way and invite them to participate on future project activities.
Contact the partner organisation in your country in case you want to participate on these first project activities.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.